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Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 9:11 PM


Four Point Energy requests 12 oil and gas wells at 3 sites
Four Point Energy requests 12 oil and gas wells at 3 sites
Several legal notices in the Newcastle Pacer last week were published to request conditional use permits for the drilling of oil and gas wells in the city of Newcastle. These drilling sites could have an impact on local residents and the City Council and City staff have done a significant amount of work to not only protect local residents, but also to work effectively with the oil companies. 06/15/2023 05:00 AM
Garvin recognized for mental health, addiction advocacy
Garvin recognized for mental health, addiction advocacy
The Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse recently honored Sen. Jessica Garvin with their 2023 Prevention Pioneer Award. The Duncan Republican, who serves the Newcastle area, was chosen for her outstanding commitment, dedication, and leadership in the area of mental health and substance abuse. 06/15/2023 05:00 AM
Access Oklahoma awaits court ruling, audit
Access Oklahoma awaits court ruling, audit
In March of last year, the Newcastle Pacer reported that the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, in its Access Oklahoma program, has made the Outer Loop, East-West Connector its priority number one. At that time, they expected to move on it as quickly as possible. 06/15/2023 05:00 AM
Chickasaw Nation News for week of June 15
Chickasaw Nation News for week of June 15
06/12/2023 03:14 PM
Senior Center Menu
Senior Center Menu
Lunch is served for a $5 donation at the Newcastle Senior Citizen’s Center each week day. Meals consist of a drink, soup, salad bar, main meal and dessert. 06/08/2023 05:00 AM
Officer Fite sworn-in
Officer Fite sworn-in
A swearing-in ceremony was held recently for Nicholas Fite as a new officer with Newcastle Police Department. Doing the swearing-in duties is Municipal Judge Kyle Saunders. Police Chief Gary Norman said this brings NPD to a total of 23 officers. 06/08/2023 05:00 AM
McClain County Court Records
McClain County Court Records
The following persons have been charged by the State of Oklahoma with traffic or other violations or have filed other court actions in McClain County District Court between May 25-31, 2023. 06/08/2023 05:00 AM
Fishing Derby Saturday, Morning Mingle Friday
Fishing Derby Saturday, Morning Mingle Friday
The city’s Annual Newcastle Youth Fishing Derby 2023 starts with registration from 7-10 a.m. Saturday at Veterans Park Pond, 1300 Garrett Drive. 06/08/2023 05:00 AM
Chickasaw Nation WIC seeks comments
Chickasaw Nation WIC seeks comments
The Chickasaw Nation is soliciting comments from individuals regarding the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). Input is needed for development of the state plan of operation for the 2024 fiscal year. These comments must be received by Aug. 10, 2023. 06/08/2023 05:00 AM
Here’s help
Here’s help
McClain County Master Sewing volunteer can provide assistance 06/08/2023 05:00 AM
Family bonded by law
Family bonded by law
Father-son deputy duo 06/08/2023 05:00 AM
Newcastle Pacer