Newcastle High School FFA members have been busy competing at the Oklahoma State Fair and several have placed. Results as of Monday were the following: Kreas Richard - first place Simmental Heifer, Reserve Champion Beef Showman, Grand Champion Beef Showman, Grand Champion Bred and Owned Simmental Heifer, and first place Commercial Heifer; Molly Sheriff - first place and Reserve Champion Division 3 Market Goat; Kaitlyn Morgan - second place Market Goat, Goat Showmanship Finalist, fourth place Hamp Wether Lamb, and fourth place Cross Wether Lamb; Chloe Sheriff - fourth place Market Goat; and Jacy Cook - fifth place Cross Market Lamb.
Competition continues this week including the Livestock Judging Contest. Advisor Brandon Morgan said the local FFA members will also be working in the Agtropolis Exhibit.