Planning and Community Development Director Janay Greenlee and Planning Commission member Gordon Harness discuss planning issues with the Newcastle City Council. Also pictured are: Treasurer Jeanie Skeen, council member Gene Reid, council member Marci White, City Clerk Camille Dowers, Mayor Karl Nail, City Manager Kevin Self, City Attorney Jeff Bryant, and council member Mike Fullerton. Not pictured is council member Tommy Clay.
Planning for the future
Planning and Community Development Director Janay Greenlee and Planning Commission member Gordon Harness discuss planning issues with the Newcastle City Council. Also pictured are: Treasurer Jeanie Skeen, council member Gene Reid, council member Marci White, City Clerk Camille Dowers, Mayor Karl Nail, City Manager Kevin Self, City Attorney Jeff Bryant, and council member Mike Fullerton. Not pictured is council member Tommy Clay.
- 07/13/2023 05:00 AM