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Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 8:02 AM

DOJ complaint by student results in NPS taking actions

DOJ considers matter concluded

A 2022 bullying complaint by a Newcastle Middle School student filed with the Department of Justice has resulted in the school system taking numerous actions intended to help keep something like this from happening again.

During the regular Board of Education meeting January 14, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Cathy Walker provided a PowerPoint presentation which updated the board concerning the DOJ investigation. Because of privacy laws, the school was protective of disclosing any student information.

A statement from the schools said, “Newcastle Public Schools recently entered into a resolution agreement with the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division in response to a complaint made by a student concerning discrimination on the basis of sex, race or national origin. NPS cooperated fully with the DOJ in addressing the complaint and both the district and DOJ now consider the matter to be concluded.

“Federal and state laws protecting the privacy of students, as well as District policy, prevent the District from commenting on, or revealing any details contained in the agreement or original complaint.”

At the January 14 Board meeting, Dr. Walker provided a PowerPoint intended as an update to the DOJ investigation. Walker said she shared with the school board the things that took place prior to her being hired as superintendent. She said right after being hired, NPS updated 10 policies and put some things in place that she felt were needed as a school district.

As part of the DOJ resolution, Walker is required to report to the board twice for the next two years. During the recent Board update, Walker said there were eight incidents of either bullying, harassment or threatening behavior reported at Newcastle Middle School during the past year.

Actions taken by NPS Because of the DOJ complaint and ensuing investigation, NPS updated its policies on bullying, student discipline, sexual harassment of students, notices to parents about bullying, student conduct, student suspension, standards of performance, and suicide awareness training.

As well, the school system developed consistent student reporting documents which are to be used at all school sites. They implemented the practice of developing a resolution plan to support the victim. They developed plans for students who have been out of school for mental health reasons to reenter school. And, they developed threat assessment protocols.

The school system held several professional development activities to refresh and update staff. These included a principal meeting in July 2023, to discuss the

DOJ investigation findings and expectations moving forward to be compliant. At that time they reviewed the school’s policy on “Prohibiting Harassment Intimidation & Bullying,” as well as the district’s investigation, documentation and communication procedures.

NPS POLICY: Annual survey will now have additional questions added to it

In October 2023, they held Title IX and bullying training for all members of the Leadership Team with a representative of the Rosenstein Fist and Ringold Law Firm, which speicalizes in educational institution law.

In August 2024, they had Title IX training for each site and training for identification, reporting and a policy review of bullying for each site.

The school has updated its handbook revising policies on harassment, intimidation and bullying. The school board approved revised policy with new information, expectations for teacher reporting, identification of a District compliance officer and contact information, and the addition of the “Prohibiting Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying” policy in the student handbooks and on the District’s website.

They updated language in the Newcastle High School and Newcastle Middle School handbooks, and provided that the counseling team for the District meets monthly and has protocols in place to conduct a threat assessment if needed.

A District Climate Survey will being going out to parents, staff and students in grades PreK through 12th grade in April this year. Dr. Walker said this is a survey NPS does every year, but they have now added questions that the DOJ requested in regards to bullying and harassment.



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