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Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 9:58 PM

Leaving the State in a better place

OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE / From the desk of Sen. Jessica Garvin

Wrapping up my time in the Senate, I’ve been humbled packing all the photos, handwritten letters, and thank you notes. I always said, “I would rather be right than be re-elected,” and I’m walking away knowing I always did what I thought was right. I now carry the title of “Senator” for a lifetime. More importantly, I carry the relationships, memories of lives I’ve impacted, the policy I’ve developed and the good that God has used me to create. I’ve learned that I am more than capable of doing hard things. I’ve also grown in my faith and recognized my true potential.

I passed landmark legislation to protect biological women,offeredpaidmaternityleavetostateemployees, protectedadoptionsofIndigenouschildren,and eliminatedthestatuteoflimitationsforrape.Ipassed the largest pension reform in decades for police, volunteer firefighters and state troopers, created safer practices for medical cannabis, improved the state’s workforceandschools,andspentcountlesshoursimprovinghealthcare.

In the past four years, I sponsored more than 100 bills that became law. Although many of those weren’t newsworthy, each one improved life for Oklahoma families, industries, schools and communities. I supported parental choice policies while backing record investments in public schools. I preserved public safety while also providing ways for nonviolent offenders to earn second chances. I know without a doubt that I’ve left Oklahoma in a better place than I found it.

I am proud to be known for my bipartisanship, work ethic and professionalism. I’ve never been someone willing to put others down to get ahead, who compromised my values to succeed, or someone who pandered for political gain. I’ve never wanted to be a person who allowed politics, rather than public policy, to control my votes, words or actions, and I’ve always wanted to be a person who had the reputation of being kind, compassionate and considerate.

I am leaving this legacy behind because of the people who surrounded me over the past four years.

ToStephenandmychildren:Thankyouforthesacrificesyoumadeand for serving this district alongside me. I love you all. Mom, thank you for doingeverythingallthetime,evenwhenyouwerebattlingcancer.Iknow Igotmyfightandgritfromyou.Daddy,youaremybiggestcheerleader,and I’m grateful for your wisdom. To my in-laws, siblings, and extended family: Thank you for making sure I had all the help I needed. To my friends: Thank you for keeping me humble and never leaving my side.

MarlowPublicSchools:Thankyouforinvestinginmybabies,forloving them extra while I’m gone and for keeping them safe through the craziest of times. To Jeff and Stephanie Gregston, you believed in me when I didn’t believeinmyself.Thankyouforyourconstantsupport,flexibility,sacrifice, my bonus sisters and your love.

To the Senate staff, I am a better person because of your honesty, transparency and friendship. Thank you for being willing to tell me when I was wrongandforalwaysmakingmelookgood.LaurenandDonna,thankyou forservingSenateDistrict43withintegrityandforlovingmeonmyworst days. To my Senate colleagues: Thank you for your service to Oklahoma, the memories and your unwavering friendship. To my dear friends in the House:Thankyouforincludingmeinyourshenanigansandforlettingme be an Honorary Representative. Your love knows no bounds.

Lastly, to the people of Senate District 43: Thank you for supporting me throughout my career. I hope you know the saying is true that people may never remember the words you said, but they will always remember how youmadethemfeel.Iwillneverforgetthewayyoumademefeel.Youhave loved me like your own and given me some of the greatest friendships I’ve ever known.



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