To the Editor,
Something to consider … Let me introduce myself, I am Darlene Power. I am a Christian (citizen of Heaven), loving wife, daughter, mother of three adult children, sister, aunt. I have many brothers and sisters in Christ. I’m a citizen of the U.S. and I have family and friends who fought for our country.
You may be asking, why is all that necessary to say? To know about a person may help to know their why. For many years we have enjoyed freedoms that we have been thankful for but did not fully show it. I can say that is true for myself. Today, America is at the point of losing some or all of those freedoms we have enjoyed. Because maybe we did not feel the need to fight for what we had, that someone else would fight, that for us either a person, or if we believe in God, that God would fight that for us. But it falls 100% on us for where we are.
Knowing that there is not, and never will be, a perfect candidate on the ballot. If we go by the principles and morals that best align with those our Country was founded on. Those are found in the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence. They were given to the Founding Fathers and have kept us successful as a nation for almost 240 years.
Bottom line: immoral and other injustices by this administration have led to a lot of people hurting in our country just in the last three years. My hope is for future generations to enjoy the freedoms we have enjoyed. Under this administration I feel our freedom as we know it, will be no longer, and that we have only seen the beginning of injustice and unlawful behavior.
If you understand the Constitution of the United States, you know that we are the governors of the given power to Congress. And that we have three branches (Legislative, Executive and Judicial)and they were not given equal power. It was designed that way for a reason.
I listed them in order by its power (highest to lowest): 1. Legislative branch. This is us — “We the people” — giving direct access to the Legislature. That is our congressmen and our senators, making us the most powerful branch.
2. Executive branch. The main function is to protect our borders by land and sea and make certain the Laws of the Land are executed properly.
3. Judicial branch. This is the branch that is not elected. Their job is to interpret the Constitution (should be by its original text and intent) and uphold existing laws, not make them. This is to be the weakest branch.
If you are feeling that our country has gotten way out of control, it is because “We the people,” the Legislative branch, who are responsible for candidates that get elected if we voted or not.
The Declaration of Independence gives us six principles and because government comes from us, the people, we can change our government in any way needed if the first five principles are violated. This is why it is so important to know the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence, to know our rights and know where those rights came from and that they cannot be taken away.
Following a foundation with morals, right action and values has never meant nor has it forced a religion or God upon anyone. You do not have to be a Christian to have the same morals and values that our Constitution has provided us for years. It provides good guidelines to live by with morals and values that we should want to keep in place.
If we are a citizen of Heaven, then we know God’s word is clear on the very issues we have today, and God’s word is given to us as a reminder of our duties as citizens of Heaven and of America. God’s word is a guideline for us to live by and hold us accountable to each other, for each other’s best benefit.
When good people run things, everyone is glad, but when the ruler is bad, everyone groans. Proverbs 29:2 (The Message)
Darlene Power Newcastle